drug pain solutions

Uses of TENS and EMS Machine

TENS and EMS are both electrical stimulation devices, but they have different uses and effects.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines are primarily used for the relief of pain. They deliver electrical impulses to the skin over the affected area, which helps to reduce the sensation of pain by intercepting pain signals from nerves. TENS machine frequencies are between 1-100Hz, which makes it ideal for pain relief.

On the other hand, EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) machines are used primarily for muscle strengthening, toning up, and rehabilitation purposes like muscle spasms or injury. They deliver electrical impulses that cause muscle contractions, which help to improve muscle strength, circulation, range of motion, and overall fitness. EMS machines operate at much higher frequencies than TENS machines and typically on the scale of 10-150Hz.

Overall, while TENS and EMS machines use electrical impulses to treat the body, their frequencies and purposes differ. TENS machines target pain relief, while EMS machines target muscle stimulation and strengthening. It’s also important to note that, while TENS and EMS machines have some similarities, they are not interchangeable, with the TENS / EMS machines that Health Vision offers you. You can select the mode to use it, according to your specific needs.

Our responsibility is to recommend you consult with your medical practitioner before using them, to get advice about what are the recommended settings to help with your specific pain or muscle issues.



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